Apple Store Gift Cards
Apple Store Gift Cards can be used in the Apple Online Store1 or Apple Retail store. On the back of these cards, you'll find:
- A link to a website where you can check your gift card's balance which you can check here.
- Text that says that the card can only be used in the Apple Online Store or Retail Store, or that you can't redeem the card in the iTunes store.
- A phone number that you can call if you need help.
*Apple Store Gift Cards are a solid color (gray, white, silver, or gold) on the front.
App Store & iTunes Gift Cards
App Store & iTunes Gift Cards can be used in the App Store, iTunes Store, or Apple Books. On the back of these cards, you'll find:
- A link to a website where you can redeem your gift card, which you can check here.
- Text that says that the card can be used for apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, books, and iCloud.
- A link to, which you can visit if you need help.
Learn how to redeem and use your App Store & iTunes Gift Card.
*App Store & iTunes Gift Cards will say App Store or iTunes on the back of the card.
Older gift cards
Although these two gift cards below look different from the App Store & iTunes Gift Card, they can still be redeemed for Apple ID credit; just follow the steps on the back of the card.
Some examples of older gift cards include:
Apple Music Gift Card iTunes Store Gift Card
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