You can sell State of Decay 2 items similar to any other item, but before you begin, please take the following important precautions:
- Do Not Share Publicly: Never post your account name in your public listing or comments. Share it only in the private Sold Item comments after purchase.
- Verification Time: Wait at least 10 minutes post-sale before transferring items to ensure the transaction is confirmed.
- Sale Confirmation: Always verify sales through the 'Sold' tab in your Gameflip account. Ignore requests from users claiming a purchase without official notification.
If there is any doubt, ask the user for the first 5 digits of their order number in the game chat.
How to trade State of Decay 2 items?
Given the nature of the trading system inside this game, we encourage you to follow the steps below after you have confirmed that your listing has sold:
- Exchange Information: After receiving sale confirmation, share account names in the "Message Buyer" section on the Order page and agree on a meeting time.
- Friend and Party Up: Add the buyer as a friend and join a private party to start a match with just the two of you.
- Record the Transaction: Start recording the trade session showing both parties in the party.
- Conduct the Trade: In-game, drop the sold item for the buyer to collect. Ensure the buyer picks up the item before ending the session.
Handling Disputes
If issues arise and the buyer places a hold, you'll be notified. Resolve disputes by submitting a support ticket with Gameflip, including your profile code, listing name, and a YouTube link to the trade recording.
Recording Trades
Xbox Series: Use the Guide and View buttons to start recording. To stop, press the Xbox button then X.
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